
Stepping into Eternity Ministries offers several half-day (3-4 hr) seminars for church groups, leaders, teachers, boards, and others who want to gain skills and insights on being fully equipped to minister to God’s people for God’s glory. Rev. Tom Parrish is a Pastor, Teacher, Historian, and Speaker who presents seminars that go beyond teaching what the Bible says to do. They also show how to do it.

Would you like to host a training event where tools are shared, creativity is launched, and people leave feeling refreshed with a new enthusiasm that they are equipped to share their faith, improve their ministry, or expand their circle of influence? CONTACT US TODAY!

Seminar Topics:

Defeating the Jesus of Our Imagination
Based on the teachings in Rev. Parrish’s book, Defeating the Jesus of Our Imagination, Discovering the Jesus of the Bible.
This seminar will confront the abuse in society and even in the church of twisting Jesus into the champion of the current social agenda, even if it has no biblical roots or truth. Jesus is not a Mr. Potato Head that we can twist, turn, or manipulate into “our Jesus.”  We may challenge some of your most closely held beliefs. It may be disturbing, or uncomfortable but, he seminar merely asks that you approach the Bible with a mind and spirit that is keen to know the truth and as a result, come closer to the real Jesus. Never forget that “my opinion” is often the best friend of the darkness! In this seminar, you will journey into the cultural darkness regarding Jesus but with the expectation that Jesus’ light will illuminate your hearts and minds.
Steps to Discipleship
Based on Rev. Parrish’s popular Bible Study, Primary Steps to Discipleship.
Image that one Sunday morning two Muslim men show up for church and say to you, “Jesus appeared to each of us in a dream last night and called us to follow him. He also told us to come to your church because you would know how to guide us.” Would you? For all too many it would be chaos attempting to figure out what to do and what material to use. Steps to Discipleship solves that problem. In a half-day seminar you will be trained in ten biblical teachings that are designed for those come to Jesus for the first time. You will discover how to lead a small group, how a new believer can enter at any time, what to teach them, and how to interact with them so Jesus’ truth becomes their truth. This seminar will introduce you to the material, it’s ten topics, and the latest educational philosophy on how to effectively teach others. This is designed for half-day, eighteen and older, with a minimum of twelve students.
Stepping Into Eternity: Encountering Jesus at the Moment of Death
Based on the experiences detailed in Rev. Parrish’s book, Stepping Into Eternity: Encountering Jesus at the Moment of Death.
I have had the privilege of being with more than fifty people at the moment they have died. I have witnessed the presence of Jesus, for the believer, time and time again. The seminar examines these findings, how it ties directly to the Bible, and offers insights into how to be with the dying. The accompanying book is now in its second printing and has been read worldwide. This seminar will give believers tools, insights, confidence and wisdom in being at the bedside of the dying Christian. This last moment of life is the greatest experience this side of eternity.
Getting Others to Ask You to Tell Them About Jesus.
What would it be like to have someone say to you, “What must I do in order to know Jesus Christ and become his life-long disciple?” Impossible? Not at all!! In fact I have witnessed many people ask me that very question after a less than five-minute conversation. The Witnessing Without Fear seminar teaches believers how to listen, when to speak, what to speak about, and how to help someone come to faith in Jesus Christ. This powerful seminar is a must for all church leaders, teachers, and staff.
The 21-Day Challenge
This seminar and material challenges skeptics, agnostics and atheists into discovering the real Jesus of the Bible in the privacy of their own home. Over 21 days they will read each chapter of the Gospel of John answering one question and one challenge per day. This unique seminar will teach the learner how to present the tool, now to stay in contact with those challenged, and how to follow up the 21 days. This has become the single best tool in bringing unbelievers to faith in Jesus Christ that I have ever used.
Would you like to host a training event where tools are shared, creativity is launched, and people leave feeling refreshed with a new enthusiasm that they are equipped to share their faith, improve their ministry, or expand their circle of influence? CONTACT US TODAY!